How Creative Abundance Can Teach you to be Open to Possibilities

Create Abundance by Zhang Xinyue is a book of wise teachings on how to lead a more meaningful life through mind-body-spirit cultivation.

Zhang Xinyue is quoted in her book saying “The more ups and downs, the more grandiose your setup will be. Once the meshes are enlarged, everything will fall through.”

Fearing failure will not create abundance in your life. You need to take a chance and believe in working towards your dreams and wishes. When you take a risk, you are consciously deciding to try, despite any misgivings or fears. In this manner, you will experience both the ups and downs of life on a personal and work level.  

She believes that the more ups and downs you experience suggest that you have abilities that are valuable. You can play it safe and remain in an easy position where there is no chance of risk or failure. There is a ceiling in such a safe and mediocre place that severely limits your growth.

Growth takes bravery, the more you succeed and fail the more experience you will gain. Each time you need to start again, abundance will enter your life as you apply the experiences of the past and eagerly open your mind to each new possibility. The key to creating abundance is to learn the lessons in both the up and down times. To recognize that abundance takes on many forms.

Zhang Xinyue author of Create Abundance authored this incredible book in 2012. It has been translated from Chinese into many languages and has become an international bestseller. Create Abundance by Zhang Xinyue promotes, gives meaning, and finds positive ways to manage the philosophical issues of life.  

For more information visit Create Abundance