Use a custom plastic cup instead

Can’t resist you’re craving for that hot cup of coffee? Before you go for your daily dose of caffeine, make sure your outfit is safe by using a quality PLA cup. There have been too many cases wherein hot paper cups used in the office were of low quality, resulting in spilled coffee and messed up meetings. You don’t have to get Starbucks quality cups for your office. If you can, that would be great. But at the least, make sure your employees are safe and your meetings successful without someone spilling coffee all over the conference table due to lousy coffee cups.

The same goes for cold drink cups that are used usually for lunch breaks and snacks. There have been studies that show employees being more productive when they take short breaks in between their busy schedules. To ensure productivity, give your employees reason to enjoy a relaxing break by supplying each with a custom plastic cup. You can choose from a variety of sizes, and can even go as far as having yours printed with your company’s logo or whatever design to spike interest and visual appeal. As with all products and services, appearance plays a pivotal role to heighten up value, and the same goes for cups.

Appearances aside, you also have to bear in mind the environment and that’s why you should only use eco-friendly plastic cold cups. Forget about using foam cups because those harm the environment. They could also cause harm to your health in the long run. There have been scientific studies that prove that styro foam reacts with food and beverages from prolonged contact. So stay healthy and use only quality plastic cups.