How can a tax attorney help with estate planning?

Planning out how your assets should be distributed after your demise will not only make matters easier for the loved ones you leave behind at a time of sadness but careful estate planning will also ensure that they will not be left to pay huge sums of money as estate  and gift taxes.

Professional estate planning advice can be sought from probate lawyers and will lawyers. A will lawyer will prepare your last will and testament and after your death the probate process will begin. This process involves a lot of procedural aspects as well as dealing with a lot of paperwork.

An experienced lawyer can best advice you on your estate plannin and the process involved afterwards. Since tax lawyers are also eligible to act as probate lawyers, the best person to advice you on these matters would be the San Francisco tax attorney who handles your tax matters.

Being familiar with your estate and your financial situation he would provide you with the best way to divide it and how to minimize the taxation to be paid. This may include drawing up a revocable trust for the assets of the trust maker and a duly appointed trustee will be instructed by the trust on how the assets should be distributed. Taking steps like this will expedite the probate process while at the same time protecting the privacy of the estate unlike when going through the normal probate process which can be a long drawn process with the requirement to make public the list of assets.

On the face of it, the probate process looks simple enough, but if you take it upon yourself to handle it on your own you will come across many difficult situations, especially  if there are a lot of heirs involved and the chance of making a mistake which can further delay the probate process becomes even greater. Hence consult with a probate lawyers to handle this for you.

If you do not already have a tax lawyer you can visit the law offices of Jeffrey B. Kahn P.C. who has a team of experienced will and probate lawyers who will handle the estate planning for you.

If you are faced with any tax matters such as unpaid taxes or an upcoming IRS audit, you can get professional tax advice from them and they will even correspond directly with an IRS attorney and try to resolve the matter on your behalf.

Hiring the right lawyers to do your estate planning can save your heirs a large amount of money which would otherwise have to be paid as taxes and could be over 50% of the value of the estate.


Guest post provided by Kahn Tax Law:  let your beneficiaries enjoy the inheritance and not be burdened with taxation issues by enlisting the services of law offices of Jeffrey B. Kahn P.C. for an experienced San Francisco tax attorney.