Putting together your first event

Putting together your fist business event is not as daunting as it might first seem. While there may be many factors to consider, you don’t always need to resort to hiring a full events agency to get the best from your event. In most cases you can handle the event organisation yourself. It is important to consider these factors while putting together your event though.

Have a theme or main topic.
Having more than one theme or message at your event will leave your guests confused about your message. Make sure everyone involved is aware of the topic and message you want for your event. This can help them plan their stands, talks, gifts and so on. You want your guests to be very clear about what they are getting and learning from your event. This will also help with the later stage of measuring your event success.

Pick the correct venue
Not only is it important to consider the size of the venue it is also important to consider the location, the distance to and from local accommodation, how late public transport runs and so on. It is also important to make sure that all your speakers can hold their talks without drowning each other out as they are going on. Another good consideration is how long it takes to get from one side of the venue to the other, this can be important if someone is trying to rush from one talk to another.

Measure the success of your event
This goes along with consideration one. Make sure you know what you want your guests to do after they have been to your event. Do you want them to look at your website, do you want them to enquire about your new service, do you just want them to be more aware of a particular topic or theme. You can’t always measure this, but you should at least include some call to action after your event, if it is as simple as visiting a website and leaving a comment. This can be a great way to know if you are event was worth doing and if you should do another one in the future.